Friday, September 21, 2012

Responsible Fashion Choices from Fashioning Change

I won't say that they inspired this blog, but it was while I was trying to share their message via other online and social media that I decided to start it.

Fashioning Change is a Web site dedicated to being a one-stop-shop for fashion consumers seeking responsible alternatives to popular fashion.

I came across the site while searching for eco-friendly apparel options for my own wardrobe. Though my main concern was initially eco-friendly fashions, Fashioning Change has led me to consider human rights issues in apparel manufacturing as well. It is not enough for shoes to be made of organic vegan materials if they are still manufactured by underpaid child laborers. Fashioning Change presents clothing by comparing popular fashions to responsibly-made options. Using the site, fashion consumers can shop multiple responsible brands, and can search for items similar to old favorites. Like most consumers, I assumed that the eco-friendly or more responsible fashion options would all be more expensive than their more familiar alternatives, but I was pleasantly surprised to learn that most items on the site are actually cheaper than their counterparts.

Shoppers can earn credits for sharing the site with their friends, which is great. I'm all about educating the masses about making responsible choices! Check out the "Wear This Not That" section for some great comparisons of trendy fashions and their responsible alternatives. It's not an exhaustive list of all the sustainable apparel brands out there, but it's a great place to start!

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